Friday 7 August 2015


This blog is for all our freinds and family, so they can keep in touch with us on our holidays. 
Our first trip is to meet our family in England and Scotland for 4 weeks then have a relaxing backpacking trip around Sri Lanka. This is our map:

I personally think it will be amazing seeing all our family in England and Sri Lanka will bring loads of amazing adventures.

  We are in the packing up stage of things and Banjo and I are really exited to be carrying our own backpacks round the whole country of Sri Lanka. But it will be very fun meeting lots of nice Sri Lankans and see what sort of traditions they have and what their food is like. Mum has been preparing us by giving us lots of different flavoured curry's. Some are nice and some have few too many vegetables. I get a little bit bored of having curry's every time I come in from soccer training so I'm always begging mum to mix it up a little with some wraps, burgers or pizza.
 This is Banjo carrying his back pack:



  1. Well done Rocker setting up your blog, that will be great to share our travels with everyone!
    Love Dad

  2. Have a good holiday πŸ’©

  3. Congratulations on getting a blog going! We all can't wait to follow your adventures. Jay, clay, mika & layla. xxxx

  4. Have a fab time. Love the McNeillys xx

  5. Hi Rocker,
    I am so jealous you are going to England and Sri Lanka. I haven't even gone over seas in a plane or any type of transport. Once again so jealous you're going to England.πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ’‚πŸΌ
    From your classmate, Tom.

  6. Have fun Rocker - enjoy your adventures and we look forward to reading all your news. The Wrenches xx

  7. G'day Rocker,
    This blog is truly a great one and it's not just me saying that. Every grade 4 boy has visited and I have finally finished Alex Rider Stormbreaker and have already started on point blank.
    Have you found more Alex Rider books?
    Your mischievously funny freind, TomπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ“š

  8. Dear Rocker and family,

    I hope you have had a great start to your big adventure!

    By now you have probably caught up with some family members in England. I'm sure you're having a great time. Have you done much sight seeing? Speaking of England, I'm sure the locals are all very pleased with the Ashes result! Hopefully Australia can bounce back in the final test for Michael Clarke's last game as an Australian cricketer.

    We've had a busy week at BHPS. On Tuesday lots of students went to Hooptime. There were some great results from the teams. Yesterday was the annual Athletics Sports. The weather all morning was quite wet and very cold, but it cleared up and remained fine for all events to go ahead.

    Well done on creating this blog, it's a great way to keep in touch with all your holiday adventures!

    Enjoy your travels!
    Miss Jordan :-)

    1. Miss Jordan and 4BHello

      I am having an amazing time here in England with my family of poms. We have just done a bit of sight seeing in Oxford and saw some amazing historic buildings. I have just done something amazing today but you can all wait for my next post for that.

      I bet you have all had an amazing week with the Annual Athletics Day and Hooptime. I would quite like to know which teams did well in Hooptime and who did well in Athletics. The weather in the past few days has been great, we've been eating out almost every night and just recently there was a meteor shower in the sky.

      I hope you have a great week of school,
      From Rocker

  9. Hypervenoms are the orange boots
